Montessori education for autism

Self-Paced Education

Self-Paced Education

Every student in a Montessori classroom works at their own pace, not according to a standardized timetable.

David with his classmate

The child is not hurried and is allowed to repeat the task as many times as necessary.  Self-paced education is of tremendous benefit for students with autism, who can require considerable repetition to master their learning objectives.

Since children with autism tend to have unevenly developed skills, it is important for them to take the time they need to bridge their weaknesses.  On the other hand, they can avoid extra time spent on skills that they might already be good at.

The Montessori classroom is arranged according to subject area and stocked with materials of varying difficulty and complexity.  Children are free to move around the room and to work with material with no time limit.  This approach fosters independence and initiative, which are skills that are often underdeveloped in ASD children.